Foliar applications to induce flowering

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Foliar application of Urea to induce flowering:
Normal recommendation:
0.5% i.e. 5 gm Urea in 1 litre of water.(1/2 Kg in 100 litres of water) This can be increased up to 1% ( 1 kg in 100 litres)

Foliar application of D.A.P+Potash+Urea+M.N. mixture to induce flowering:
Requirements: D.A.P 2 kg + Potash 1kg +Urea ½ kg + M.N mixture 1kg + Water-200 Litres + Wetting Agent - 200 ml
Dosage : 150 - 200 Litres per acre for foliar application.
Preparation: Soak D.A.P 2 kg + Potash 1kg in 15 litres of water for 12 hours. Stir well and filter the solution. Then add Water-200 Litres, Urea ½ kg, M.N mixture 1kg and Wetting Agent - 200 ml. The resultant solution is as such ready for foliar spray to induce flowering, to prevent flower shedding, fruit shedding and for seed / fruit development.

Foliar application of Potassium Nitrate solution to induce flowering: 10 gm of Potassium Nitrate in 1 litre of water i.e.1%

Foliar application of 2 – 4 -D solution to induce flowering:
@ 20 ppm i.e. 200 milligrams in 1 litre of water (0.02%)

Root zone application of ‘Paegalobutrasol’ {“Kalthar”} harmone to induce flowering:
Apply 5ml of ‘Kalthar’ for trees below 10 years and 10ml of ‘Kalthar’ for trees above 10 years at root zone area of the plant during Aug – Sept period (esp.for Mango Trees) and irrigate immediately.


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